A natural clinic for Orgasmic Meditation

Orgasmic meditation, Hyper sexuality

What is orgasmic meditation?

       Orgasmic meditation is a 15-minute partnered practice wherein the strokee lies down somewhere comfortable, naked from the waist down, while someone else (i.e., the stroker) strokes the upper left quadrant of the clitoris up and down for before gently pressing down on the vagina to “ground” the strokee. It is not masturbation, which is defined as the erotic stimulation of one’s own genitals.

Why do you think Orgasmic Meditation May Be the Relaxing Technique You Need

        If you’ve been hearing a lot about orgasmic meditation (OM) lately, you’re not alone. OM is a controversial but promising style of traditional alternative meditation that incorporates only clitoral stimulation. The practice, which is strictly limited  about 15 minutes, boils down to a stroker stimulating the clitoris of the strokee. And in recent years the technique has gone from taboo to more widely  well recognize as beneficial. 

At first, this practice might seem quite unorthodox, but those who do it swear by its results. Orgasmic meditation, or “Ohm”, as it’s referred to by practitioners, is a method of unifying sexual partners both spiritually and physically.

Plus, for recipients, it feels incredible. Today, we’re going to break down the core elements of orgasmic meditation, including how it works, its potential benefits, and whether it might be right for you. visit Nazir’s acuheal a Traditional Acupressure center for Orgasmic meditation.


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